League Video Wall

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  • Regular price $13,499.99

Setting the Standard!

The League Video Wall system is designed to set the standard for pro shops and ranges. This system makes a lasting impression on visitors and customers that can't be matched by any dated paper range. The system measures nearly 9ft wide by 6ft tall. This system comes with 24 industrial strength cubes. The exclusive interchangeable cubes spread the wear across the whole range for more durability. The system includes sensors, video processor, high lumen projector and over five hundred scenes for shooting including our new True Score Interactive Scoring System.

System Components Pro League
Range Wall Size 4' X 6' 6' X 9'
Number of Cubes 12 24
Video Wall Sensors Included Included
Video Processing Computer Included Included
Bigshot Classic Video Scenes N/A N/A
BVR Hunt Player Software Included Included
True Vital System Included
True Vital Scenes 150 N/A
League Scoring Multi Player Sets N/A
Projector/Lumens 3600 3600
Projector Enclosure Included Included
Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Included Included
Foot Pedal/Sensor Included Included
Optional Kiosk Shooting Line System Optional Optional
Warranty 60 90
Monthly Electronic Extended Support $39.99 $39.99

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