I have two 10 X Titan HD targets. They are awesome targets, but like so many other good targets if you shoot a big expandable broadhead, you can almost always be assured of bending the blades. I called and spoke with Hunter, and he was very honest that he could not tell me that this particular new target would be any easier on them, but for the sale price and the fact that I can’t find a blemish in it anywhere, I’m very impressed. I’ve been shooting some of my mechanicals into it between 350 and 400 ft./s and I’m not having any issue with Blade bending. The target is much lighter to carry around and seems to function very well.
With that being said, I can tell you that if you shoot it constantly with Broadheads especially fixed heads it will not last as long as the Titan HD but that’s OK. It’s serving the perfect purpose for me.